The sad crazy of the far right

I keep getting emails from people I have known, or people I have emailed in the last 20 years, or complete strangers who purchased my email address, all of them right wing nut cases who would vote for any republican, no matter how disastrous.

Here is the latest pathetic excuse to change the truth that you have to be somewhat insane to support Trump, but using classic projection, they seem to be trying to make the case that it’s the democrats who can’t be bothered to see the truth.

Keep in mind that Trump gets dragged into court on average 93 times a year for the last 30 years. He is right this second facing fraud, racketeering and rape cases to be in court this year. Instead, try and wrap your brain around the idea that it is Clinton supporters who are delusional.


Shirt mitzvah – or why you should trust strangers

I learned something important this week, that is – you should always trust strangers you meet on the internet.
First a quick slap of recent history. I posted some pictures of t-shirts I was about to send to a friend of mine as part of a decades long competition where each of us continually send the other fabulous and unique shirts we find during our various travels. The photos contained one shirt that someone who happened upon my blog found awesome.
So, we corresponded back and forth, and soon enough I was sending a seemingly nice midwesterner the shirt he could no longer live without. He promised to send me some mystery t-shirt that I was sure would be equally amazing. Yesterday I received the shirt he sent and today I got an email from my internet friend who expressed happiness with his shirt.
Meanwhile I also packaged up and sent a box stuffed with remarkable and beautiful shirts to my friend in New York. The lesson I learned is that the world is filled with a vast majority of nice people who do nice things.

Loud and proud

Until about a decade ago you never really knew if the person standing next to you on a public street was nice, naughty, smart, friendly, mean, intelligent or even spoke english. You just sort of smiled, waited for the light to change and walked on as if the bird in the far off tree was the most important thing you would ever see, thus was the sort of communication people engaged in before cellphones.

Then dumb people got smartphones.

Until the advent of portable phones no one knew I was a babbling idiot. I kept it a secret. I could hide all my personal drama, all to myself. Sure, when I got home I would call my friend LoShonda and I would just rant and rave about my latest craziness and we would scream and yell about this or that in almost obscene amounts of details, but since it was just me and LaShonda sharing, no one knew about me and my shallow existence, except LaShonda, she seemed more than willing to keep my secrets.

Then I bought me one of those cellphones and so did every other imbecile this side of a Chinese slave labor camp and now you can not stand on any street corner in any street in this world anymore without hearing the dirtiest of very dirty laundry from some of the stupidest of the most incredibly stupid people who inhabit this world. For decades we walked the highways and byways of this country without questioning that our fellow travelers were at least bright eyed and somewhat intelligent, until they started to share their most intimate details of their dates, their hookups and their most private lives, everywhere, from subways to fast food lines.

I was at a doctors waiting room this last week and the diabetic extra large woman sitting across from me was wheezing into her phone about her rotten children in a voice loud enough to guide ships into a fog shrouded coastal community. I heard everything from her pot smoking teenage daughter to her bully prone son who hates autistic children with a neanderthal passion. Of course there was not much this out of touch mom could do but shovel in another donut and wonder where the no longer interested father went wrong.

I should not know anything about her life, but I know way to much, because she has a cellphone and no sense of pride. I am only bringing this up because my last vestige of privacy from these monsters of over-sharing may have finally found me. Apparently airlines are about to allow these loud and proud idiots to use their phones on airplanes. The one place left on the planet where I could sit quietly and read, an airplane in flight, will probably no longer exist. Within months, airlines will allow people to make phone calls while in flight.

I’ll be honest with you, lately I fly solely for the quiet privacy. I fly from here to there and back again just to be around people not talking on cellphones. I like to be around adults who read or talk or even play games on electronic devices without babbling incoherently into electronic devices about nothing at all in a language so unintelligent it has to make Shakespeare spin wildly in his grave.

So, soon enough anyone on a plane will be met with the same super sized people I recently sat near in that doctors waiting room, over sharing personal information with the world at large, except on a plane, they will be yelling to be heard. When you add in the ambient noise that planes make, you only have to imagine those banal morons yelling into their phones, “no honey, I’m on a plane, so anyway, last night was amazing, a foursome, I swear…”

Election results

Last week, like what I presume is the experience of the vast majority of Americans, I went to my local polling place and voted. Today I checked on the local results and was shocked to see that once again my dog was not elected as city treasurer.
So, you snobs from around the country who think that a dog should not be a city treasurer, I assure you, my dog is more than qualified to be city treasurer of our ghetto than the majority of walking, talking, math knowing humans. First, she is wildly incompetent and second, she is completely corrupt and finally, she is usually way too busy grooming herself to care at all about anyone else’s business. Perfect for the job.
So, you must be asking yourself, how could my dog NOT get elected? I asked the same question, but first a sentence of history. Last week, no one was running for city treasurer, so I wrote her name in. How could she fail? That was my thinking. I actually lobbied for her. When my long term lover went to vote I offered up some top quality hot loving if a little ballot write in could be traded in for the city treasurer position. That apparently was not worth it.
I asked my neighbor if he would vote for my dog and he looked at me like I might be insane, which is a look he has given me more than I care to recall.
That’s when I realized that a campaign for ghetto city treasurer should not be started the afternoon of actual voting.
I did call the county registrar office this morning and found that they did have a tabulation of votes and was just a little surprised that my dog received four votes for city treasurer. So, while not that not enough to actually win the race, it was far more than I ever expected and a little shocking, which has left me wondering, who the hell actually took the time and wrote my dogs name in on the ballot and voted for my dog?